Posts in Eco Home
39 Hacks For Reducing Your Food Waste

Has supermarket waste got your knickers in a twist? Good. Now I apologise in advance, for I may be about to twist them a bit more. Negative publicity and consumer demand for fruit and veg without plastic are creating ripples of change across UK supermarkets. It's encouraging, but there is another sustainability issue that isn't getting the same amount of attention.

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Create a Low Waste, Minimalist Bathroom in 8 Simple Steps

Is your bathroom a place you skip to in the morning? Or are you more likely to find a toddler rooting through the bin, an overflowing cabinet of half-empty bottles, and 17 toys that need to be removed from the tub each time you go to shower? If your home is less like a spa experience and leaning towards messy chaos then a sustainable, minimalist makeover may be exactly what you need…

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