Posts in Zero Waste Home
The Ultimate List of Plastic-Free Swaps For Your Bathroom

If you’re new to sustainable living or would like to learn more about which plastic-free products work (and where you can buy everything at once to save on postage) then this blog post is for you.

If you’re new to sustainable living or would like to learn more about which plastic-free products work (and where you can buy everything at once to save on postage) then this blog post is for you. Stick around to find out which sustainable businesses sell a wide range of zero-waste bathroom products and for my ultimate list of plastic-free swaps.

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What’s in your sunscreen and is it really reef-safe?

In this 2021 guide, I am going to help you make an informed decision about which natural sunscreens tick your ethical boxes. I’m going to give you the information you need to spot greenwashing and share evidence-based information on the safety of UV chemical filters. Or you can skip ahead to my list of mineral sunscreens in the UK and US

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Why Are Workers and Consumers Boycotting Amazon?

Even as a conscious consumer, there may be products you are hoping to find at a discounted rate this Black Friday. Maybe you want to find a sustainable Christmas gift for someone you care about or you just need to stock up on your zero waste toiletries. Whatever your needs, Amazon, with its low prices and conveniently fast shipping, seems to have it all. But too often, convenience comes with collateral damage. So what is Amazon’s dirty secret and where can you shop instead?

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Create a Low Waste, Minimalist Bathroom in Ten Simple Steps

Is your bathroom a place you skip to in the morning? Or are you more likely to find a toddler rooting through the bin, an overflowing cabinet of half-empty bottles, and 17 toys that need to be removed from the tub each time you go to shower? If your home is less like a spa experience and leaning towards messy chaos then a sustainable, minimalist makeover may be exactly what you need…

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