This guide shares the pros and cons of non-toxic, sustainable period products so you can work out what is best for you. Learn more about reusable cloth sanitary pads, period underwear, menstrual cups and discs.
Read MoreAre you concerned about flame retardants? This blog post will explore which chemicals are used in UK and USA mattresses and what to look for in a non-toxic mattress.
Read MoreDid you know a shampoo bar “transition phase” is a myth? This guide will tell you everything you need to know about switching to solid shampoo and how to avoid waxy hair in hard water areas.
Read MoreIf you’re new to green living, you may wonder how to start creating a sustainable lifestyle. This guide for beginners will teach you three ways you can become more eco-friendly at home and reduce your plastic waste
Read MoreIf you're trying to navigate the world of eco-friendly baby products while creating a non-toxic nursery, this is for you. This beginner's guide is here to help stressed pregnant parents create a sustainable lifestyle without stress or overwhelm.
Read MoreYou’ve likely heard fossil fuels are bad, but do you know why? In this post, I’m going to simply explain what fossil fuels are, why they are bad and 10 facts about their social and environmental impact.
Read MoreIn this guide to natural deodorant (where I share the best brands), I'm answering all your FAQs about transitioning to aluminium-free deodorant. If you want to know how to detox your armpits, read ingredient lists or make your own DIY recipe, this post is for you.
Read MoreIn this beginner’s guide to elimination communication, I share my experience of doing EC with a newborn. Also known as baby-led potty training, EC involves listening to your baby’s natural bodily rhythms and signals to give them the opportunity to eliminate hygienically.
Read MoreAre you overwhelmed by the idea of making homemade cleaning products? This beginner's guide will tell you everything you need to get started with DIY natural cleaners (without vinegar).
Read MoreEverything you need to know about choosing reusable nappies for your newborn baby. This article explains the different types of cloth diapers and includes washing routine tips.
Read MoreForget the plastic-free swaps and focus your energy on the bigger changes that need to happen first. The 8 areas I have covered include ideas for changing the system, reducing your individual carbon footprint and living more sustainably.
Read MoreIf you want to be a sustainable parent, instead of just a plastic-free one, then this post is for you. Zero waste is more than just eco-friendly swaps, it’s about human rights, social justice, inclusivity, and understanding your privilege.
Read MoreA zero-waste lifestyle can seem impossible when you have kids. The “I keep my trash in a jar” stories and Instagram’s high standard of filtered perfection can make any person run in the opposite direction. I’m here to tell you that isn’t what eco-friendly living is about, at all.
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